
Cover of guide with photo of kids planting trees

Tree canopies in schoolyards, and tree education, play a vital role in Chesapeake ecosystems and the well-being of its communities. By adopting tree canopy initiatives schools create environmental stewards who strengthen community resilience for present and future generations.

There are many ways schools, education authorities, and communities can go about this. Initiatives can include meaningful watershed educational experiences, restoration projects, environmental literacy planning, green school certifications, and other goals within the Chesapeake Bay Watershed Agreement. The resources below provide more information and guidance on ways to strengthen the relationship between schools, students, and trees. The new guide Trees and Schools: Growing the Connection provides a hub of tree-related resources for curriculum, program development, projects and sustainable schools efforts.

PLT logo with children planting trees

Plant a Tree!

A set of Project Learning Tree STEM curricula to accompany tree plantings.

Project Learning Tree logo

Curriculum Offerings

Project Learning Trees curriculum offerings are for students of all ages to gain awareness, knowledge, and avenues for environmental action.

Bay-backpack logo with website.

Bay Backpack- Forestry

Free Chesapeake Bay related resources and support for Meaningful Watershed Educational Experiences and hands-on learning.

Tree Campus k through 12 logo

Tree Campus k-12 Learning Hub

A tree-centric database from the Arbor Day Foundation containing different environmental curriculum for all ages, subjects, and budgets.

Logo EcoSchools USA National Wildlife Federation

EcoSchools Program

The Learning about Forestry Pathway is a blueprint for schools to increase tree cover. It includes resources, audits, checklists, and curricula.