Tree canopy is a critical component of community health infrastructure — but urban tree cover is shrinking, and its health benefits are not often equitably distributed. The Tree Campus Healthcare program recognizes health institutions that make a mission-aligned impact on community wellness through tree education, investment, and community engagement.

Health Challenges, Green Solutions

Flip each health challenge’s card to see how trees offer a solution.

Challenge Flip People are less active.
Only 23 percent of adults get enough exercise.
Solution Flip Trees promote physical activity.
People living in neighborhoods with high levels of greenery are three times as active.
Challenge Flip Mental health is at risk.
One in 5 adults has a mental health condition.
Solution Flip Trees create calming spaces.
Viewing community trees can significantly aid stress recovery.
Challenge Flip Urban temperatures are rising.
Heat-related ER visits are projected to rise.
Solution Flip Trees cool urban spaces.
Trees reduce the size and effect of urban heat islands.
Challenge Flip Increasing pollution threatens health.
Air pollution causes 1 in 9 premature deaths per year.
Solution Flip Trees clean the air.
Trees remove over 17 million tonnes of air pollution per year in the US.
Challenge Flip Safe outdoor spaces are critical to health.
Presence of crime limits youth physical activity.
Solution Flip Trees reduce crime in public spaces.
A 10% increase in tree canopy has been associated with a 12% decrease in crime.

Program Framework

To receive recognition each year, a healthcare facility must fulfill five standards:

A Commitment Throughout the Industry

Healthcare facilities across the country are stepping up to improve the tree canopy — and overall wellness of residents — on their campus and in the communities they serve.

It is our business to be talking trees and health. As leaders in healthcare in East Texas, we need to be responsible for everything we take care of — it falls within our mission.

Aaron Martinez, Certified Grounds Manager, CHRISTUS Trinity Mother Frances Health System

We ultimately are trying to impact the health of the population that we serve. We also want to inspire others to follow us since improving air quality, reducing carbon pollution, and improving water quality benefits everyone and can be accomplished through tree planting.

Jon Utech, Senior Director, Office for a Healthy Environment, Cleveland Clinic

Everything we do is for our residents and our community. Trees impact safety, beauty, quality of life … our residents, employees, and the public benefit when we invest in community trees.

Donna Hibbs, Vice President of Grounds and Landscaping, Masonic Homes of Kentucky

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View the eligibility requirements and program standards.

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The following networks and resources provide opportunities to collaborate with other community stakeholders and learn more about the case for community trees and their impact on health.


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Tree Campus Healthcare is an Arbor Day Foundation program in partnership with:

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